mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010

OriGinaL Jeans BroKen by Poi§on

Pants: Poison - Original jeans_black_worn_broken (NEW)
Available in two colors black and blue (Worn & Normal)
[Teleport to Poi§on]
§tile CaRd
Hair: Chelsea - blacks
ToP: -SU- Summer Color Top Black
Garter: Bijou - Sniper Garter ( part of the dress Sniper)
Gloves: MadeForYou-SatyraDesign (old Lm)
Cocker: Bullet Accesory - >>ROOTS<<
Pose: -VP- Discoballs

Model: LelenyLoka
Photo: Lita Menges by RAG DOLL

martedì 26 ottobre 2010


In the principal store are some printed vests, one is black with a skull print for 65L and the other is a special FREEBIE that you get when you buy the Take it Easy Dia de los Muertas tote. You CAN buy the vest seperately for 50L.
*BOOM* Clothing & Co. @ Hide and Seek

venerdì 22 ottobre 2010

King'§ Jeans_______ Mi§ter Poi§on

Eheh My favorite Jean§ in §L He is naturally Poi§on
Pants: Original jeans_black_worn
Available in two colors black and blue (Worn & Normal)

[Teleport to POISON]

Model: LeleNyLOk@
Photo: JOy Snowfield

giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

NeW________@ N1CO

N1CO Sexy Brat Dress
avaible in 3 colours ,with funky print on it and flexy prim skirt attachment on pelvis
[Teleport to N1Co Mainstore]

Skin: ηovita* S kins. A urora
Hair: [LeLutka]-ISHA hair
Shape: Bl@ck M@mb@ Shape only Custom By LeleNyLok@

Model: LelenyLok@
Photo: JOy Snowfield

venerdì 15 ottobre 2010

L@die§ @nd Gentlemen ::: unBra ::: §kin§

P1Ck 1: :unBra: Skin -Miranova- dark/M3 (New Relea§e)
P1Ck 2: :unBra: Skin -Yakira- redux A/M10
P1Ck 3: :unBra: Skin -Mayara- redux B/M1

I'm happy today to present you the new Brand for Black Mamba Fashion
::: unBra ::: SKINS....Good girls go to Heaven - Bad girls go to unBra !
Thank you for the support Mi§§ Andy Bravin

[Teleport to ::: unBra ::: SKINS]

Model:LelenyLoka Demonia
Photo: Lita Menges (the best) by RAGDOLL

New Collection By^^ RICIELLI^^

The New Collection By Ricielli is OUT
Remember to wear the Group tag before click the Gift Panel (P1Ck )
[Teleport to RICIELLI]

lunedì 11 ottobre 2010

FJ Design Relea§e

P1C 1: Wild Snake - FJ Design
P1C 2: Platinum Pump Red - FJ Design

The new menu, low lag scripts, 19 preset skin textures, 9 tones for each skin (171 combinations)
resize + revert size, attached on feet (you can wear your primmed pants/jeans over them)
both in normal version with invisible prim or SLv2 version with alpha layer feet hider (separate vendors), realistic textures.
Really thank you Jareth for your support and the availability. Luv ya!!!

FJ Design Boots & Shoes Mainstore <--------click to Teleport

Photo: Daniele Eberhardt by RAG DOLL

sabato 9 ottobre 2010

[SC] Surf Couture

Corriedale Coat
This coat is 50L for TODAY ONLY so don't miss it!
New at Surf Co. for 50L Friday! A comfy and classic styled coat for the ladies! Sculpted skirt, belt, collar, and sleeves with a warm wool texture.
Surf Co. Mianstore

[PXL] Candy Halloween Gift

Female VIPS a special edition Skin of Candy.
Remember to wear the Female VIP group tag before click the Gift Panel
[ Teleport to PXL ]

{Luxuria} Caer

Caer is a semi sheer bra and panty set with a sweet little sculpt bow.
About this Outfit:
includes all clothing layer options and sculpt bow front
Hair: Exile Hedy/marble mix by Kavar Cleanslate
Eyes: [PXL] Eyes - Glow - YellowGreen - Small by Hart Larsson
Skin: Dutch Touch - Amber - Ebony (Smokey) by Iki Ikarus

domenica 3 ottobre 2010


New sandals Marie are just come out from DeLa*!
Version for Vierwer2 on showing.
Shopping at Marketplace
Good Shopping! :-)

venerdì 1 ottobre 2010